Med talks Non-Invasive Ventilation

Philips Med-Talk Series 

Non-Invasive Ventilation from Hospital to Home

Thursday, 17 June 2021
19.00- 21.00 hrs (Egypt / South African Time)

In this Non-Invasive Ventilation workshop, we will start with the basics of the differences between NIV and Intubation and when is each recommended. We will review the pros and cons, indications and contraindications and subsequently share the potential modes to use for each case.


The workshop covers the step-down process for ventilated ICU patients who are ready to be weaned or transferred to intermediate care, goals that physicians aim to achieve through NIV with these patients, classification of different categories of ventilated patients, proposed ventilator for each scenario, challenges facing NIV patients and the countermeasures.


Finally, the speakers will discuss home ventilation and how to ensure remote monitoring of home ventilated patients and the support  required by caregivers at home to ensure lesser complications and more confidence for caring for the patient.

*There will be CPD Point accreditation for attendance; however this is only for South African attendees.

Picture of Prof. Mohamed Abdelhakim El Nady

Prof. Mohamed Abdelhakim El Nady

Professor of Chest Diseases- Faculty of Medicine- Cairo University  

Fellowship of American Association for Chest Diseases

Member of the European Association for Chest Diseases

Picture of Prof. Richard van Zyl-Smit

Prof. Richard van Zyl-Smit

Professor and Consultant Pulmonologist

Division of Pulmonology and Department of Medicine

University of Cape Town & Groote Schuur Hospital

Head Lung Clinical Research Unit

University of Cape Town Lung Institute (Pty) Ltd

Picture of Prof. Teo_lo Lee-Chiong

Prof. Teo_lo Lee-Chiong

Professor of Medicine

Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine

School of Medicine, University of Colorado Denver


Thursday, 17 June 2021 – 19.00- 21.00 hrs (Egypt / South African Time)

19:00 – 19:25hrs

Prof. Richard Van Zyl – Smit
Basics of hospital ventilation: Invasive versus Non-Invasive, what and why?

19:25 – 19:50hrs

Prof. Mohamed Abdelhakim El Nady

Challenges of Non-Invasive ventilation, possible complications and counter-measures

19:50 – 20:00hrs


20:00 – 20:20hrs

Philips Speaker, Mr. Aref Hajeer

Advanced techniques in the management  of ventilated patients

20:20 – 20:45hrs

Prof. Teofilo Lee-Chiong

Home Non-Invasive ventilation for different respiratory disorders

How to avoid Hypercapnic Respiratory Failure

20:45 – 21:00hrs

Q&A and Closing

General description of the webinar:

In this Non-Invasive Ventilation workshop, we will start with the basics of the differences between NIV and Intubation and when is each recommended. We will review the pros and cons, indications and contraindications and subsequently share the potential modes to use for each case.

Target Audience Ventilation

Target Audience:

Healthcare professionals who manage or care for ventilated patients, including Pulmonologists, Chest Physicians, Respiratory Therapist and Nurses.

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