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Philips AED recall information

Your continued satisfaction with Philips AEDs is very important to us and we want to ensure your confidence in the reliability of our products. This page provides additional information regarding the February 2018 notification/recall of HeartStart FRx, HeartStart Home, and HeartStart OnSite AEDs (Philips FSN86100186).


If your device is still under warranty, you are entitled to receive a refurbished exchange unit at no cost, in accordance with our standard warranty terms. If your device is no longer under warranty, or if you desire to purchase a newer model replacement for your present AED, you may be eligible for a trade-in rebate.



Q: Do I need to replace my AED?


A: No, it is not required to replace affected AEDs because when used in accordance with Instructions for Use and other labeling, including this recall/notification, the HS1/OnSite/Home and FRx devices are effective and safe to use.


Replacement options are being offered as a courtesy. If a device is covered by this notification and is still under warranty, you may optionally receive a refurbished exchange unit at no cost. If a device is no longer under warranty or if you wish to purchase a newer model replacement for their present AED, as an owner of a Philips HeartStart FRx, HS1 OnSite, or HS1 Home AED affected by this action, you may be eligible for a trade-in rebate. Philips is offering trade-in rebates depending on the age and model of the affected AED.


To request a warranty exchange unit or a trade-in rebate, or to obtain additional information, contact your local Philips representative. In the United States, contact Philips directly at 1-800-263-3342.


Q: Are the AEDs under this recall safe to use?


A: Yes. The devices may continue to be used. Affected AEDs are not recommended to be removed from service. If an AED has ever emitted or begins to emit a pattern of triple chirps, call Philips customer service at 1-800-263-3342 in the United States or contact your local Philips representative. Visit www.philips.com/aedaudiblechirps to hear an example.


Q: Are the affected AEDs being removed from service?


A: No. The devices may continue to be used. Affected AEDs are not recommended to be removed from service. If an AED has ever emitted or begins to emit a pattern of triple chirps, please call Philips customer service.

How to find your serial number


Your serial number can be found on the back of your device next to the battery well. The serial number for HeartStart HS1, HeartStart Onsite and HeartStart Home starts with the letter “A”, followed by 8 numbers and letters. It will be formatted like this:  A0XX-XXXXX. The serial number for the HeartStart FRx starts with the letter “B”, followed by 8 numbers and letters. It will be formatted like this: B0XX-XXXXX.

Philips FRx
Philips HS1

Is my device affected?


If you received a recall/notification letter from Philips, our records indicate you possess an affected device. If you wish to confirm whether your device is affected and therefore potentially eligible for one of the warranty replacement or trade-in programs, please call Philips customer service at 1-800-263-3342 in the United States or contact your local Philips representative.

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